web design Archive

Design Tip: How to Use Cinemagraphs on Your Website
Have you heard of cinemagraphs? If the answer is no, you are missing a huge opportunity to make your website look way better! Cinemagraphs are just animated GIFs with repeated movement in them. Defined
How and Why to Decorate Your Website for Christmas
Everybody is decorating their home for Christmas. Most companies are also decorating their offices as well. So, why don’t you decorate your online home, i.e. your website also? Putting some Christmas decoration on your website
Top 5 Web Design Trends for 2016
2016 is lurking around the corner and that means that you need to get familiar with all the new trends that are going to rule the web in the next year (or maybe the
Top Web Designers to Follow on Twitter
A while ago we published an article about the top sources of web design inspiration. There we told you that one of the best ways to find inspiration about your next project and keep
Top 11 Super Quick Website Fixes
You may think that 5 minutes aren’t enough for you to make any change on your website but you are wrong. For 5 minutes you can apply some pretty solid website fixes that will