web design Archive

How to Impress Your Clients With Your Website
As a business owner one of your primary goals is to impress your clients, make them more loyal and willing to spread the word about you. In the online world the best way to do
How To Become a Successful Freelance Web Designer
A lot of successful web designers find it way better to work for themselves. I am sure you will agree that having your own web design business can bring plenty of benefits. But you
6 Rock Solid Reasons To Redesign Your Website
No matter how good your website is, at a certain point you will need a change. There are plenty of reasons to think of a redesign, but almost all of them have something in
What Not To Do On Your Website Pages
Designing the perfect page for your website is not an easy task. You need to keep in mind that there are plenty of mistakes you can do. Some of them are design mistakes and
How the website color schemes affect our perceptions?
Creating a website with a website builder is not a rocket engineering work. No programming, no coding, just you and your favourite platform. Still it needs a subtle touch. The design and flexibility are